
From reporting in Wrangell to teaching in Tanzania and Bhutan to, now, transitioning to life in the capital city of Juneau – some words on a life in flux.

22 August 2008

Ted Stevens Just Called Me

Like the man himself, not any of his campaign people, just a couple days after the US district court denied his request to move his trial to Alaska. He said he was in Juneau in between some meetings and called to see if I wanted an interview (the primary is on Tuesday). I passed. I told him what the station's policy (as in my boss's policy) was on elections - that I'd have to interview all of the candidates running in the US senate primary in Alaska, of which there are twelve of them, to make it fair and even. He understood (phew). I told him KSTK would be interested after the primary when it would just be two people running for US senate (is that right?). I've met the guy and all and interviewed him before, but for some reason, the fact that he's been indicted makes him so much more of a celebrity.


Blogger Fling Flong said...

You've met and interviewed Stevens? He's kind of a big deal. Mahogany, leather bound books, the whole thing, he's got it. And apparently someone else got it for him?

3:37 PM  

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