
From reporting in Wrangell to teaching in Tanzania and Bhutan to, now, transitioning to life in the capital city of Juneau – some words on a life in flux.

18 June 2010

From the Road

Scott and I are currently in Kabale, Uganda. We're heading to the Mgahinga Gorilla National Park tomorrow in hopes of seeing the majestic creatures. There's a small chance that the group of gorillas will be available for sighting (they often wander into to the Democratic Republic of the Congo). Otherwise, we'll stay occupied with hiking up volcanoes and looking at Golden Monkeys.

We had the last day of the first term at Orkeeswa last Friday, which means half of our teaching in Tanzania is complete. Unbelievable. We celebrated the day with fun games and activities like egg toss (the students were in disbelief that we'd waste so many good eggs on a game), limbo (everyone was chanting "how low can you go?" long after the game ended), and javelin throwing (this was the most familiar activity as many of our students are Maasai warriors and have been throwing spears since they were small boys). I laughed hard. We all did.

So now Scott and I are on our five-week winter break. We'll be traveling for four of those weeks and return to the school for one week of agriculture training before the second term. In less than a week we've already clocked well over 20 hours of bus traveling (and several hours watching the World Cup). We've also gotten around by bodaboda (motorcycle taxi), motor boat (on Lake Victoria), ferry, car, and by foot. I've been trying to keep a journal so will recount much of this trip when I'm back in Monduli. We have lots to see in Uganda before heading to Kenya and then back to Tanzania to end our trip in Zanzibar.

I hope everyone's having a fun, hot summer.


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