
From reporting in Wrangell to teaching in Tanzania and Bhutan to, now, transitioning to life in the capital city of Juneau – some words on a life in flux.

02 May 2006

Release of Liability

Mike, the med student, showed this to me months ago. It’s a form from the local medical center that was given to him when his family medicine rotation called for him to travel to neighboring island, Prince of Wales, to conduct medical rounds. As it turned out, he never did sign the form even though he did go on the trip.


Your clerkship may coincide with a scheduled remote clinic visit. We are currently holding these clinics in six small communities, some without road access approximately 60 miles from Wrangell. While we believe that doing these clinics, like any other clinical experience, is valuable for your education, we also acknowledge that few people will do this kind of work and there is some risk involved in traveling to these locations. We will be traveling either by private charter boat or charter air carrier and old dilapidated cars and trucks. Due to the rugged nature, cool climate, and frequent poor weather conditions, there is an inherent risk of becoming lost, running aground, or being caught in dangerous conditions. While these conveyances are supplied with the usual emergency supplies and devices, you need to acknowledge the risk of an accident resulting in your death, most likely by being crushed on impact at high speed. Almost as likely is the possibility of being drowned and some small chance of burning to death. If you are so lucky as to survive the crash, you would have the opportunity to die of exposure (or be consumed by large carnivorous animals or other members of your party). If you do survive you may have crippling injuries that will affect you the rest of your life, which may be short.”


Blogger brad board babe said...

what the heck?? Is this a real release form. I don't believe it. Who authored that thing?

6:54 AM  
Blogger Mike Tozzo said...

NO WAY! That's ludicrous. Happy Cinco de Mayo if I don't talk to you.

7:50 AM  

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